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Selected Publications (*indicates corresponding author, # indicates advised)  Full list Google Scholar
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Cai, Y., Xu, H., Wang, Y., Chen, D., Matusik, W., Shou, W. and Chen, Y., 2025. Modular Self-Reconfigurable Continuum Robot for General Purpose Loco-ManipulationIEEE Robotics and Automation Letters.  



Tushar#, N., Wu#, R., She, Y., Zhou, W., Shou*, W.. Desktop-scale robot tape manipulation for additive manufacturingDevice, Sep 2024.  



Li, Y., Wang*, R., Zhang, L., Wang, X., Zhang, K., Shou*, W. and Fan*, J.Scalable Fabric‐Based Solar Steam GeneratorAdvanced Functional Materials, p.2312613., 2024. Highlighted in Science Magazine, link 


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B. Li, B. Deng, W. Shou*, T. Oh, Y. Hu, Y. Luo, L. Shi, W. Matusik*.Computational Discovery of Microstructured Composites with Optimal Strength-Toughness Trade-Offs. Science Advances, 2024. 



A. Alagumalai, W Shou*, et al. Self-powered sensing systems with learning capability. Joule, 2022. 



Y. Sun, Y. Zheng, R. Wang, T. Lei, J. Liu, J. Fan, W Shou*, Y. Liu*. 3D micro-nanostructure based waterproof triboelectric nanogenerator as an outdoor adventure power source. Nano Energy, 2022,107506. 



M. Guo, W Shou, L. Makatura, T. Erps, M. Foshey, W. Matusik. Polygrammar: Grammar for Digital Polymer Representation and GenerationAdvanced Science, 2022.  


S. Park, W Shou*, L. Makatura, W. Matusik, K. Fu*. 3D printing of polymer composites: Materials, processes, and applications. Matter, 2022,5(1), pp.43-76.  


T. Erps, M. Foshey, M. Lukovic, W Shou*, H. Goetzke, H. Dietsch, K. Stoll, B. Vacano, W. Matusik. Accelerated discovery of 3D printing materials using data-driven multiobjective optimization. Science Advances, 2021, 7, 42. 

Reported by MIT news, Phys.orgSciencedaily, etc.

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C. Podder, X. Gong., X. Yu, W. Shou,  H. Pan, Submicron Metal 3D Printing by Ultrafast Laser Heating and Induced Ligand Transformation of Nanocrystals. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021. 


Y. Luo#, Y. Li, M. Foshey, W Shou, P. Sharma,  T. Palacios, A. Torralba, W. Matusik. Intelligent Carpet: Inferring 3D Human Pose From Tactile Signals. CVPR, 2021, 11255-11265

Reported by MIT news, Tech Xplore, etc.


Y. Luo#, Y. Li, P. Sharma, W Shou*, K. Wu, M. Foshey, B. Li, T. Palacios, A. Torralba, W. Matusik. Learning Human-Environment Interactions Using Conformal Tactile Textiles. Nature Electronics, 2021, 4, 193-201. (Front Cover)

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Reported by MIT news, Yahoo News, Sina news, Tech Xplore, etc.

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Y. Li#, J. Fan, R. Wang, W. Shou, L. Wang, Y. Liu*. 3D Tree-shaped Hierarchical Flax Fabric for Highly Efficient Solar Steam Generation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020. 


Y. Sun#, Y. Liu*, Y. Zheng, Z Li, J. Fan, L. Wang, X. Liu*, J. Liu W. Shou*. Enhanced Energy Harvesting Ability of ZnO/PAN Hybrid Piezoelectric Nanogenerators. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020. 


X. Zang, K. Tai, C. Jian, W. Shou, W. Matusik, N. Ferralis, J. Grossman. Laser-Induced Tar-Mediated Sintering of Metals and Refractory Carbides in Air. ACS Nano, 2020. 


X. Xu†, C. Wang†, W. Shou†, Z. Du, Y. Chen, B. Li, W. Matusik, N. Hussein, G. Huang. Physical realization of elastic cloaking with a polar material. Physical Review Letters, 124,114301,2020. († Contributed equally)


Reported by, ScienceDaily, etc.


L. Wang, M. Eliceiri, Y. Deng, Y. Rho, W. Shou, H. Pan, J. Yao, C. P Grigoropoulos. Fast Reversible Phase Change Silicon for Visible Active Photonics. Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, 1910784.

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W. Shou, B. Ludwig, L. Wang, X. Gong, X. Yu, C. P Grigoropoulos, H. Pan. Feasibility Study of Single-crystal Si Islands Manufacturing by Microscale Printing of Nanoparticles and Laser Crystallization. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019.


T. Pan#, Z. Li, D. Shou, W. Shou*, J. Fan, X. Liu*, Y. Liu*. Buoyancy Assisted Janus Membrane Preparation by ZnO Interfacial Deposition for Water Pollution Treatment and Self‐cleaning. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2019, 6(21),1901130. (* corresponding author) (Front Cover) 

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X. Yu,  W. Shou, BK Mahajan, X Huang, H Pan. Materials, Processes, and Facile Manufacturing for Bioresorbable Electronics: A Review. Advanced Materials, 2018, 30(28),1707624.  


L. Wang, Y. Rho,  W. Shou, S Hong, K Kato, M Eliceiri, M Shi, C.P. Grigoropoulos, H Pan, C Carraro, D Qi. Programming Nanoparticles in Multiscale: Optically Modulated Assembly and Phase Switching of Silicon Nanoparticle Array. ACS Nano, 2018, 12(3),2231.  

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Y Li, K. Scheel, RG Clevenger, W Shou, H Pan, K Kilway, Z Peng. Highly Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells Using a Dopant‐Free Inexpensive Small Molecule as the Hole‐Transporting Material. Advanced Energy Materials, 2018, 8(23),1801248.  

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W Shou, BK Mahajan, B Ludwig, X Yu, J Staggs, X Huang, H Pan. Low‐Cost Manufacturing of Bioresorbable Conductors by Evaporation–Condensation‐Mediated Laser Printing and Sintering of Zn Nanoparticles. Advanced Materials, 2017,29(26),1700172. (Front Cover)

Reported by R&D, ScienceDaily, Nanowerk, newswise, The Science Times, Materials Views China, DesignNews, Science&Technology Review, etc.

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B Mahajan, X Yu, W Shou, H Pan, X Huang. Mechanically Milled Irregular Zinc Nanoparticles for Printable Bioresorbable Electronics. Small, 2017, 13(17),1700065.  (Frontispiece)


W. Shou, H. Pan. Direct printing of microstructures by femtosecond laser excitation of nanocrystals in solution. Applied Physics Letters, 2016, 108(21), 214101. 


W. Shou, H. Pan. Silicon-wall Interfacial Free Energies via Thermodynamics Integration. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2016, 145, 18.184702. 


B. Ludwig, Z. Zheng, W. Shou, Y. Wang, H. Pan. Solvent-free Manufacturing of Electrodes for Lithium-ion Batteries. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 23150. 


H. Pan and W. Shou. Single crystal formation in micro/nano-confined domains by melt-mediated crystallization without seeds. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2015, 48(22). (Front Cover)

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