[Appointment] Dr. Shou will serve as an Associate Editor of iScience (Cell Press) for a first term of 2 years. Look forward to promoting science and technology, and interdisciplinary research through publishing. Feb 2025.
[Paper] New paper "Modular Self-Reconfigurable Continuum Robot for General Purpose Loco-Manipulation" is online in IEEE RAL! This is our first collaboration with Prof. Yue Chen's at Georgia Tech, and continuous collaboration with Prof. Wojciech Matusik at MIT. Congratulations to all the authors! 1/6/2025
[Paper] New paper has been published in Chemical Engineering Journal! Congratulations to all the authors! 12/18/2024
[Award] Youwen and Zane won the ASME IMECE Micro and Nano Technology forum student poster competition, Best Poster Award-Second Place and Third Place, respectively, Nov 20th, 2024, Portland, Oregon. Congrats!
[Award] Dr. Shou received a faculty travel grant to attend ASME IMECE 2024. Thanks for the generous support from IMECE and NSF! 09/24/2024
[Paper] Nahid's paper has been accepted to Device (cell press journal)! Congratulations! 08/22/2024
[Award] Nahid and Youwen are awarded the travel grant to present their work from the university. Congratulations! 08/2024
[Talk] Dr. Shou gave an invited talk to Hitachi America, 07/26/2024!
[Award] Zane, Ariadna, and Cole received the Honors College Research Grant. Congratulations to them! We are excited to launch 3 projects with undergraduate students. Thanks for the support! July, 2024
[Award] Zane received the NASA ASGC - WFD Award. Congratulations to Zane! We look forward to hearing more news about Zane. 06/11/2024
[Paper] One paper has been accepted to Advanced Functional Materials! Congratulations to all the authors! 1/24/2024
[Paper] Our paper is accepted to Science Advances! Congratulations to all the authors! 12/28/2023
[Paper] A new paper is published in Materials Horizons! Thanks for the collaboration and Congratulations to everyone! 12/22/2023
[Award] Jade is awarded a SURF grant from Honors College. Congratulations to Jade! We look forward to hearing more news about Jade. Dec 2023
[Fund] We are awarded a Faculty Equipment and Technology Grant. Thanks for the kind support from Honors College at UArk. We will involve more undergraduate students in research. 10/2023
[Fund] We received a one-year NSF-supported sub-award from OSU to work on novel sensor development. Congrats to the team! 07/22/2023
[Fund] We are awarded a "Chancellor’s Innovation and Collaboration Fund" led by Dr. Jian Zhang. Congrats to the team! We will develop a high throughput platform for mechanical cell sorting. 07/12/2023
[Award] Zane is awarded a 2-semester Honors College Research Grant. Congratulations to Zane! We look forward to hearing more news about Zane. 07/05/2023
[Team] Jade will join NASA for a summer internship. May 2023
[Award] Jade won ASGC STEM Award from Arkansas Space Grant Consortium. Congratulations to Jade! We look forward to hearing more wonderful news about Jade. 2/23/2023
[IP] Our second IP @UArk about a disruptive manufacturing technique has been approved for patent application. Congratulations to Nahid (for his second patent application)! Feb 2023
[Grant] We started a robotics project, funded through NSF/NIFA-NRI program. Thanks for the support from USDA-NIFA. We will develop novel sensor manufacturing methods and intelligent robots. Feb 2023
[Award] Jade is awarded Honors College Research Grant. Congratulations to Jade! We look forward to hearing more news about Jade. 12/06/2022
[Fund] We are awarded a "Chancellor’s Fund-GAP Fund". Thanks for the kind support from UArk. We will develop new materials and manufacturing technology for metals. 11/01/2022
[IP] Our first patent application @UArk about automated robot-assisted manufacturing technology has been filed. Congratulations to Nahid (for his first patent application)! October 2022
[Fund] We are awarded a Faculty Equipment and Technology Grant. Thanks for the kind support from Honors College at UArk. We will involve more undergraduate students in research. 10/19/2022
[Team] We would like to welcome undergraduate students, Zane Mebruer and Cade Marcinkovich, to join the group to conduct research. September 2022
[Talk] Dr. Shou gave a talk to the graduate seminar in the Department of Human Centered Design at Cornell, with the title of "Textile-based wearable electronics and beyond: from manufacturing to applications", 09/16/2022
​[Paper] Our review paper is online in Joule! Thanks for the collaboration and Congratulations to everyone! 6/20/2022
[Paper] A collaborative paper is accepted to Nano Energy! Thanks for the collaboration and Congratulations to everyone! 6/12/2022
[Award] Nahid is awarded the NSF SFF Student Award to present his work at the Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium in Austin this July. Congratulations! 06/10/2022
[Team] We would like to welcome two high school students, Keming Meng and Michael Mathias, to conduct summer research in our group. Hope they enjoy building and playing "toys". June 2022
[Award] Nahid and Rencheng are awarded with the Doctoral Student Travel Grant from the University of Arkansas to present their work at the Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium in Austin this July. Congratulations to them! June 2022
[Fund] Our Pandemic Research Recovery Grant proposal is funded by the Chancellor and Provost office and the College of Engineering. We are working on automated advanced manufacturing technology in this project. 5/17/2022
[Fund] Our seed funding proposal is funded by the College of Engineering -UArk. We will work on sensors and robotics for this project. 5/9/2022
[Appointment] Dr. Shou will serve as a Youth Editor of The International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing (IJEM). Look forward to making IJEM a top journal in manufacturing. Also, please consider submitting your next manufacturing to IJEM. April 2022
[Award] Jade is awarded NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU). Congratulations to Jade! We look forward to hearing more news about Jade. April 2022
[Paper] Collaborative work "Polygrammar: Grammar for Digital Polymer Representation and Generation" is accepted by Advanced Science. Congratulations to all the authors! 12/06/2021
[Paper] New paper "Accelerated discovery of 3D printing materials using data-driven multiobjective optimization" is online on Science Advances, here is the link https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abf7435 And, some news reports: MIT news, phys.org, etc.
[Paper] A review paper "3D printing of polymer composites: materials, processes, and applications" was accepted by Matter. Congratulations to all! Glad to collaborate with Prof. Fu's group. Looking forward to more collaborations! 9/29/2021
[Talk] Dr. Shou gave a talk to the graduate seminar in the Mechanical Engineering Department at UArk, with the title of "Advanced Manufacturing for Functional Applications", 09/29/2021
[Paper] Paper "Designing Composites with Target Effective Young's Modulus using Reinforcement Learning" is accepted by SCF 2021. Congratulations to all! 8/28/2021
[Paper] Paper "Submicron Metal 3D Printing by Ultrafast Laser Heating and Induced Ligand Transformation of Nanocrystals" is published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Congratulations to all! 8/25/2021
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Birth of 1RG 8/16/2021 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
[Paper] Paper "Dynamic Modeling of Hand-Object Interactions Via Tactile Sensing" accepted to International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). 6/30/2021
"Intelligent carpet" is in the CSAIL news. 6/21/2021
Dr. Shou is serving as a guest editor for a special issue "The Role of Additive Manufacturing in Sustainable Manufacturing and Recycling Technologies" Clean Technologies and Recycling (aimspress.com)
Dr. Shou is serving as a guest editor for a special issue in Fractals about "Fractals in Advanced Textiles, Intelligent Wearables, and Fashionable Clothing" FRACTALS Call for Papers (worldscientific.com)
Invited seminar "Laser-based multiscale additive manufacturing for functional electronics and beyond", several universities,​ 04/2021
Invited seminar "Turning functional materials into functional electronics through laser aided multiscale manufacturing and beyond", University of Calgary,​ 04/2021
Several invited talks about "Smart textiles" on schedule. March 2021
Our paper is online in Nature Electronics and featured as the front cover 3/24/2021
"Learning human-environment interactions using conformal tactile textiles".
Highlight by Editorials and News & Views in Nature Electronics.
"Getting a sense of touch" by editor.
"Textiles for learning tactile interactions" by Prof. Jun Chen at UCLA
Paper "Intelligent Carpet: Inferring 3D Human Pose from Tactile Signals" accepted to CVPR 2021.
Invited seminar "Laser-based multiscale additive manufacturing for functional electronics and beyond", Wayne State University,​ 02/2021
I will join the Youth Editorial Board of Advanced Fiber Materials in January 2021. Look forward to making Advanced Fiber Materials a top journal. Also, please consider submitting your next fiber-related research to Advanced Fiber Materials.
Advanced Fiber Materials (ISSN: 2524-7921 (Print) 2524-793X (Online)) is a peer-reviewed international interdisciplinary research journal that aims to publish high-quality articles on fibers and fiber-related devices, as well as their applications. Principally, the journal tracks and reflects fast research developments in the field of fiber materials.
I gave an invited online talk about "ZnO nanowires decorated polymer nanofiber composites for clean water and energy”, functional fiber workshop, organized by the editorial board of Frontiers of Optoelectronics, December 22nd, 2020.
The idea of fabric-based solar steam generator towards clean water, in collaboration with Prof. Yong Liu and Prof. Jie Fan has been accepted by the Journal of Materials Chemistry A, with a title of "3D Tree-shaped Hierarchical Flax Fabric for Highly Efficient Solar Steam Generation". Congrats! (12/3/2020)
Collaboration paper about Piezoelectric Nanogenerator has been accepted by ACS Applied Materials & Interface, and online. Congrats! (11/2020)
I gave an invited talk on "Future Manufacturing: Automation and AI for Materials and Manufacturing", BASF, NORA (Northeast Research Alliance), June 15th, 2020
Collaboration paper "Physical realization of elastic cloaking with a polar material" accepted in Phys. Rev. Lett., 4 March 2020. Congrats! (03/2020)
Collaboration paper "Fast Reversible Phase Change Silicon for Visible Active Photonics" published in Advanced Functional Materials. Congrats! (03/2020)
Janus Membrane paper has been published in Advanced Materials Interface and featured as Front Cover. Congrats! (11/2019)
I gave an invited talk about "Revolutionizing Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, Design, and Beyond", in lunch seminar, in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT, December 11th, 2019.
Our paper about low-cost manufacturing of bioresorbable electronics has been published in Advanced Materials and featured as Front Cover. Congrats! (07/2017)