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Dr. Wan Shou is an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Arkansas Fayetteville. He was a Postdoctoral Associate in Computational Design & Fabrication Group at MIT CSAIL from January 2019 to July 2021, mentored by Prof. Wojciech Matusik (EECS & ME). His group aims to solve societal challenges with manufacturing. His research interests are closely related to advanced manufacturing (e.g, laser-based micro/nano-manufacturing, novel 3D printing, and robot-assisted manufacturing), and advanced materials (such as hydrogels/ionogels, composites, functional fibers, semiconductors, etc.). His research has wide applications, such as wearable electronics, robotics, structural materials, clean water/energy, etc.  



Advanced and Disruptive Manufacturing                                              Design for Materials and Manufacturing

Scalable micor/nano manufacturing; Hybrid 3D printing                           Polymer design, synthesis/formulation

Robot manipulation and manufacturing                                                      Materials and manufacturing for clean water/eneegy

Advanced Materials for Electronics and Robotics                                  Fundamentals

Functional nanomaterials, nanocomposites, and soft materials                   Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of crystallization

Functional fibers and textiles                                                                       Light-matter interactions; Polymerization/curing



Graduate Students


Nahid Tushar, Ph.D. student joined 2021

M.S. Arkansas Tech

Research Interests: Manufacturing, robotics, and machine learning


Youwen Liang, Ph.D. student joined 2024 Summer

Research Interests: Manufacturing, laser processing, and simulation.


Rencheng Wu (co-advised), Ph.D. student joined 2021

B.S. Shandong University of Technology

Research Interests: Manufacturing, design, and automation

Bo Shen, MS student joined 2022

B.S. University of Arkansas

Research Interests: Manufacturing, Sensors, and laser processing.

Undergraduate Students


NguyetNhi (Brittney) Nguyen

Research topic: advanced manufacturing for sensors and robots, composites (2024 Spring-)


Zane Mebruer

Research topic: laser materials processing; composites. (2022 Fall-)

Honors College research grant 2023, 2024; NASA ASGC - WFD Award Summer 2024

Cole McCallum 

Research topic: laser materials processing; composite manufacturing (2023 Fall-), Honors College research grant 2024

Ariadna Ramirez

Research topic: robotics, sensors, and manufacturing (2024 Spring-), Honors College research grant 2024


George Vessey 

Research topic: Sand robot design, manufacturing and application (2025 Spring-)

Keegan Atkins 

Research topic: Sand robot design, manufacturing and application (2025 Spring-)

John Dykes

Research interest: nanomaterials and nanomanufacturing for functional fiber; automation (2024 Fall-)

Garrett Horton

Research interest: nanomaterials and nanomanufacturing for functional fiber; automation (2024 Fall-), Honors College research grant 2024 fall

High school students

Sylvia Smith, high school student, rsearch interest: microfluidic device for brain-on-a-chip (2024 June-July)  

Former members


Jade Thomas Research topic: ionic polymer processing/manufacturing. (2022 Spring-2024 Spring) ​

NSF REU program; Wiley grant ($500); Honors College research grant 2022; summer research grant (from the Space Grant Consortium) 2023; NASA internship 2023; SURF grant 2024

Next step: joining Georgia Tech for PhD study

Hannah Odland, high school student, rsearch interest: robotics (2023 Summer-Fall) Admitted to MIT 2024. 

Scott Logan Williamson, undergraduate student, research topic: spray (2023 Spring-Summer). 

Trent Lenhart Research topic: soft robot manufacturing (2023 Fall)

Brett Miller, Jake Le, Duncan Nunnelly Research topic: robot-assisted manufacturing (2023 Fall-2024 Spring) 

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